As the sun rises on the New Year, the New Decade I am thinking about and trying to establish my goals and dreams for this moment, the now I found myself in. Reflecting upon my values and beliefs helps me to set the context for these goals and dreams. And I am fortunate in that I have been able to act upon my life goals over the past few years and have been lucky to attain many of my past goals since beginning my RV journey.
Seeking life experiences as opposed to materialistic things is a major change. Paring down from a house to a condo helped start that practice, and then paring down key items to pack in my motor home furthers it. Now in my second year of traveling across the country it dawns on me that I really only need 2 weeks worth of clothing as opposed to 6 months (there are laundry mats available out there) and that the emergency instant coffee that would only be used in case I ran out is not really needed either (there’s plenty of coffee out there as wellJ).
RV life is an adventure. This is the best and, sometimes, worst thing about it. You don’t have permanence in a given place, you need to keep moving to make way for other RVers who have reserved the spot you’re on, and you do miss your friends and loved ones when the miles grow further as you go cross-country. I had a very shocking night recently where after a horrific traffic jam I impatiently kept driving my RV in to a snowed-in campground. I got stuck, was blocking the RV entry way and had a night of tumultuous non-sleep where every negative aspect of RVing came swirling in my restless mind and I was feeling like finishing my RV journey whenever I escaped the icy throes of a very stubborn snow bank.
The next day the sun came out, and friendly RV neighbors emerged to help me dig my way out and somehow get the rear tires successfully track on to a couple of flipped over door mats. I flew around the snowy roads, hooked on my car and got back on the road. Free from the confines of being stuck, it was exhilarating to be riding high across the Mojave Desert as I made my way to Nevada. This is what I signed up for, this is when all the elements come together and I smile as I drive to my next adventure.
I have shared time with some old and new friends in the Endeavour (my RV’s given name) that reinforce my wish to see many places, renew acquaintances and make new friends. Joining me on trips, sitting around a campfire, sharing meals and our passions – the Endeavour has been Christened over the course of my journey. There’s a spirit and sense of possibility that has been nurtured and cultivated on my trip, and I am committed to make my own Roaring ‘20s in a disciplined and joyful way.