I’m 2 days in to the trip and already a whirlwind of activity and experiences:
Lining up with truck to get a wash
Finding out that the cable from my motorhome to my tow vehicle does not have the charging capability I thought it did, leading to my Honda’s battery being completely dead
Uncovering many items I’d forgotten about from my trip in April – good to reacquainted with familiar tools and camp ware.
Making a major discovery that when you’re tow vehicle is in neutral and you’re parked on a slight hill, it actually starts to roll when you disconnect it!
Yes as a starting RVer you do need to learn a few things that aren’t always in books or YouTubes. But all in all, getting the motorhome on the road, through Maryland and Virginia has been great. Being aware of which gas stations or stops will allow me to navigate successfully is a big one.
I now want to take a couple of days to really connect with Williamsburg as I haven’t been here before. A break from the logistics and planning of the RV and actually breathing in the local air, rambling around a new place to see what’s what. After all, in cultivating the journey you need to actually live it.