Broke camp first thing in the morning, checked-double checked all materials aboard the Z-1 RV to make sure nothing could get damaged in the popcorn popper motion of the RV hurtling down the highway and finally moving out of VA to NC. I find that I start the journey very aware of the 5,000 pound trailer attached to my truck, but then have to check myself when I resort to my car driving ways and going 70 mph. I accept that I am the dreaded slow trailer that no one wants to be behind for long, and that’s OK.
I plan my trips to be below 300 miles a day because I don’t want to be in a hurry, to not have the deadlines I have worked under for so many years. But I always like to be past halfway before my first stop for a breather, and then below 100 miles to my destination when I start looking for gas. I remember hearing the phrase ‘power of momentumn’ a couple decades ago and it comes to mind in my RV driving life. Making sure you have a truck with the needed torque to keep the RV moving, making sure you roll slowly to a stop and take advantage of momentum to keep moving down the road.
But yesterday while hitting my sub-100 mile go my low fuel alarm went off and, of course, I was on a portion of the highway with absolutely no signs outling abundant, flowing and essential gas. I though of worst case scenario: I do have a couple gallons in a gas can that I plan on using with my Honda generator so I wouldn’t have to use the highway assist plans offered by my RV service contract or GMC or my insurance company.
But finally found Sky Gas and was never happier to see a gas station in my life! Momentumn maintained and power provided by a full tank of salvation…
