The refrain from Joni Mitchell’s ode to the seasons changing is definitely in my mind.
The weather here in Bucks County Pennsylvania is moving from mild Fall days, to the wind and cold of oncoming Winter. The leaves and the Canadian geese tell the inevitable truth: it’s Fall and shorter days, cooler to freezing weather is imminent and I will soon bid farewell to my home here for my home on the road. I had hoped to be on the road by now, buy nn unexpected broken slide-out derailed my departure to this week.
Everything is ready to go, checklists being checked and my travel spreadsheet calculates the places, the miles, the nights and the places I want to get to in the coming months. Intersecting with friends and family across the country is a priority for me, and seeing the national parks and new intriguing places is what I do in-between. Finding the local prideful monument, hearing any live music, discovering the local eatery with a dish you can’t find anywhere else…
I am truly fortunate to be in this place in my life, and plan on enjoying every second, every mile of it!